Monday, March 16, 2009


The following is a piece of conversation between a mad-man and a sane-man, that for all I know, has never taken place, except inside my head (wherever that is). Its upto the reader to decide whether that puts me in the former category or not. Please note that a mad-man is defined as someone whom the society collectively has labelled as not sane and a sane-man is one who is yet to classified in that category by the society.

Madman: Do you dream?
Sane-man: Ofcourse! What a question. Don't you?

Madman: What do you dream of?
Sane-man: A variety of things.

Madman: Like what?
Sane-man: Well, flying for instance.

Madman: You can fly?
Sane-man: What a question! Ofcourse not. Are you ok?

Madman: When do you usually dream?
Sane-man: Really, are you ok?

Madman: When?
Sane-man: Well, when I am asleep. Thats when all people dream, don't they?

Madman: Are you dreaming now?
Sane-man: Now come on mate, whats the point of these questions. Where do you live?

M: Well thats a yes, is it?
S: What?! No, I am not dreaming...why would I dream while talking to you. Besides, didn't I just tell you I dream only when I am asleep.

M: How do you know, you aren't asleep?
S: What a question?! How can I be talking to you and sleeping at the same time?

M: You can fly and sleep, can't you?
S: What? No, who told you that?

M: So what if you wake up right now and find that you can really fly. Where will you fly off to?
S: This is getting weird mate. I am going.

M: Well you can't go, but you can fly.
S: Ya whatever.

M: Do you ever feel while dreaming that you are dreaming?
S: What? Hmm, now that you have asked that question, I think yes, I do sometimes feel I am dreaming when I am dreaming.

M: But then how do you know for sure, eh?
S: What?

M: That you aren't dreaming?
S: But I am.

M: No when you are not dreaming, and you feel you are, then.
S: You are confusing me mate.

M: Well, then are you dreaming right now?
S: No.

M: You sure?
S: Ya, as sure as could be.

M: How sure is that?
S: Thats well, what do you mean how sure is that? Its sure.

M: Can you always fly in your dreams?
S: No, not always.

M: You can't fly now can you?
S: Now, well no.

M: How do you know? You haven't tried, have you?
S: Well, thats ridiculous, isn't it?

M: Not so ridiculous in your dreams, it isn't.
S: What?

M: Well, does someone tell you you can fly, when the dream begins? Does someone say - "Hey, jump off that cliff, its just a dream, nothings gonna happen?"
S: (thinking)

S: This could be a dream, then?
M: OFCOURSE NOT! What a question! Are you sure you are ok mate?

(To be continued...)


Anonymous said...

Really yaar, I have always felt the same. How do we know we are dreaming. Well for me I don't do such things as flying in my dream, as far as I remember. However I tend to do various funny and naughty things.

Also I don't think that we know we are dreaming when we are, its just an extended reality. So I can't shoot somebody in a dream thinking "Oh its just a dream and nothing will happen to me if I shoot that guy". If I shoot somebody in a dream , it has been done with full murderous intent. Now here's the catch. Would you now prosecute someone for a felony compounded in a dream?

Also one thing that I always thought is what if dream is not a dream, its where various parallel worlds meet.

Anonymous said...

I have jotten down some related thoughts some time back.

Sarang Sharma said...

Well I think a person can sometimes feel that he is dreaming - I think I have felt it...Check out the wikipedia article on lucid dreaming

As for prosecuting, well someone has to file a case first, and that is possible if you tell someone a dream and then they file a case of "Attemp to Murder" :)

And dude the link you have posted isn't opening. :(