Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Actual Story

Long long ago in India, there were two main species of pets - Cats and Dogs. The cats were by nature "shrewd" and the dogs were by nature, "faithful" and "helpful". The cats had soft fur and they made soft seductive purrs when lovingly stroked. The dogs were hard working and went out with the head of the family to guard the sheep, while the cats enjoyed on the ladies laps all day long, eating and sleeping.

Well, time passed and dogs kept up the good work and the cats kept up the purring and other cute and nice things that they so excelled at. One day, a dog decided that he was tired running after sheep and scaring away wolves and now he was done with it. He would much rather sit in the madame's lap and drink milk from a bone china saucer.

The cat got wind of the dog's intentions and got scared for its position. But as said earlier, it was cunning and sitting in the lap all day long, it had given deep thought to such metaphysical questions as to what is to be done if the dogs one day realized the fun the cat was having. All sorts of misinformation about dogs started doing the rounds. They ate bones, "how henious"! and they were dirty and were always covered with lice, "ugghhhh"!!! They were not fit for living inside the house, and that it was not for no reason that their kennels were always outside the house (forgetting that dogs also work as watchmen at night). Infact there was a whole book which detailed why dogs were dirty and fit for the job they had (ofcourse that book was in the beautifully sweet mew mew tongue so only the cats understood it).

The poor dogs were banished from the house and even the occasional pats that they received ceased.

Centuries later, the dogs realized that they had been taken for a ride, and that it was time all this horsedung about them being low creatures was silenced. Soon enough men also realized that they had been unfair. So they decided that all work would be shared among cats and dogs and that dogs for being treated so unjustly would get more holiday time and other benefits.

The cats were aghast that when both they and the dogs would be doing equal work, then why the dogs should get any more free time than they. So then they made stories of dogs loafing around all the time and they doing all the hard work. When this did not work, indignant that dogs were getting preferential treatment, they migrated to USA. The poor dogs had to do all the work and couldn't get any free time as there were no cats to share the work with them. An English director made a superhit film about the huge disparity between Indian cats and dogs, aptly called Slumdog-Millionaire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting view here. I think here the characters of cat and dog needed to be developed a bit more. Whilst ant and grasshopper seemed written by Ant. Here at least dogs didn't seem capable enough to write one. Also cat would not write it. The big question is who did?

I think there was soemone else who forced cats to run to US and kept dogs in restraint. And it was this "someone" that might have written this story. Perhaps!