Thursday, January 1, 2009

A new post in a NEW year

Suddenly this thought has hit me that what is so new about the new year? Why is there such a brouhaha about this day - the 1st of January, every year? What exactly has changed at the stroke of the midnight? The only universal answer is probably, the Date. And even that changes at different times in different parts of the world.

Now, you might be wondering, why is this eternal pessimist ruining our ephemeral sense of euphoria? On the contrary, I am not being a pessimist but an optimist. My point is that, there is nothing to stop us from celebrating with the same zeal every other day. Someone arbitrarily chose a particular day 2009 years ago and decreed, "From now on we are going to be happy and optimistic about something new and better every 365th day. And because the mathematics is a bit complicated and the earth moves a bit strangely, every 4th year(that is the 4th period of 365 days) we will wait for one more day before we can celebrate again. Except that every 400th year we will again not wait that one day extra. And sometimes we may have some more problems and we will keep adjusting the time when you may be happy that something new lies ahead. So, err I hope you get it. Happy new year."

So it is we who decide if something new is going to happen or not. Any time.

And for your information, 1 second extra was added yesterday. :)

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